Track 16: Preventive Dentistry


Preventive dentistry is oral care that involves education, treatment and follows of maintaining your teeth and gums. From daily brushing to annual dental cleanings, explains Healthline, these tasks are designed to avoid gum disease, cavities and enamel wear – which frequently results in insensitivity.
Preventive dentistry prevents people from developing dental problems later on. If you use proper dental care, you can avoid or lessen the effects of these:
  • cavities
  • gingivitis
  • enamel loss
  • periodontitis
Habits For Healthy Teeth
  • Brush Your Teeth Twice Daily
  • Floss Daily
  • Visit Your Dentist
  • Follow a Balanced Diet 
Premature birth and low birth weight may also be linked to poor oral health. You should continue to practice or adopt good preventive oral health if you’re pregnant. This includes visiting your dentist for regular checkups during your pregnancy.

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