An overview of Dental Awareness: Oral Surgery 2018, Singapore

#Prevention is the key to maintaining good #oralhealth. Knowing what particular #dental problems you are at risk for developing and how you can reduce those risks will help you decide the most appropriate means to prevent dental problems. #Dentalhealth awareness should be started at a very young age. Children should be taught of the importance of keeping their #teeth #healthy and clean. Consequences of poor #oralhygiene and poor food choices should be also explained to effectively remind the children the need to #brush their teeth every after meals and avoid sweet treats as much as possible.

Taking care of your #teeth isn't just about having a nice #smile and pleasant #breath. Recent research has found a number of links between oral health and overall health. While in many cases, the nature of this link still isn't clear — #researchers have yet to conclude whether the connections are causal or correlative — what is certain is that the condition of your #mouth is closely tied to your overall physical health.

In the U.S., the #AmericanDentalAssociation (#ADA) sponsors the National Children’s #Dentalhealth Month during February, to raise awareness among children and their parents the importance of being aware of their dental health. The campaign focuses on instilling in the minds of the young the importance of regular #tooth brushing and dental examinations to prevent dental problems.

Register for the Scientific sessions @ 33rd International Conference on Dental Medicine and Surgery 2018 Conference on September 10-11, 2018 at #Singapore, & kindly submit #abstract for #Oral/Poster Presentation
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