Track 2: Endodontics

Endodontists are specialists in saving teeth, committed to helping you maintain your natural smile for a lifetime. Their advanced training, specialized techniques, and superior technologies mean you get the highest quality care with the best result — saving your natural teeth!

Track 2 Endodontics

Root canal treatment:

Root canal treatment or endodontic treatment is necessary when the center part within the tooth, known as the pulp, housing the blood vessels, nerves and living connective tissues, become infected or inflamed.
The root canal procedure is performed to save a damaged or badly infected tooth, instead of extracting it. This procedure is performed by an endodontist or a root canal specialist.
The most common causes of tooth damage or infection are, cavities occurring due to plaque accumulation, cracked or broken tooth due to any accidents or trauma, gum diseases, and repeated dental treatment to a particular tooth. These issues can cause pulp inflammation, infection and damage the pulp irreversibly. The person will at times experience excruciating pain. The pain may subside when the pulp dies, but very often returns as the infection spreads.

To know more join us in Melbourne, Australia for our upcoming 2nd Annual Congress on Orthodontics and Endodontics   Scheduled to be held from July 24-25 2019.

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